Passing The Test
"If you don't pass the test, God'll give it to you again, ya know." Words of the very wise Clinton, our neighbor. They were said in passing to Scott one day in a conversation while walking the easement. Nothing big to Clinton, I'm sure, but they have stuck with me for all this time. While having some quiet time today I read a like passage. "... A man is a slave to whatever has mastered him." 2 Peter 2:19 It almost popped from the page but I couldn't have told you quite why until I thought about it more. What masters me? What controls my actions? Fear? Money? Approval? Food? Vanity? Service? Work? Obligations? What do I obsess over most? What dominates my thoughts? Hope? Love? Listening to Christ? Sharing Christ's story? Faith? Obsession is the human addiction... no one is immune. But with God's help and a focus on letting Him be Master of me, my obsession can be on Him. Not too bad in my book. Now if only my decision to live as su...