
Showing posts from January, 2021

God's One Desire

I am studying Ephesians again (one of my favorites) and have been hit hard by one simple thought again and again. God has one desire that fuels all that He does. Everything that He has ever done points to this one thing!  He wants to be with me. He wants to be with you. Simple, right? Unfortunately, we mucked it up as we humans usually do so, no. We could stop there and be lost in our discouragement, wallowing in our sad existence much like the prodigal son laying in the pen with the pigs despairing that any one could ever love us again. I can almost feel the filth oozing up between the crevices of my toes and the repugnant stink of it contaminating all that I might come upon. Wow... major downer. God doesn't want me to stay there, though. Again and again He shows me what He wants more than anything else: to spend time with me. Doesn't seem real, does it? The God of all, the Creator of everything, THE GOD wants to enjoy my company. Hard to believe. But true. Follow me on this.....