
Showing posts from March, 2022

What Do I Do Now?

Have you and a friend ever watched a mystery show and as soon as a clue is revealed they start asking a million questions and end up talking over the explanation given by the characters? Or how about this: have you been in a classroom where the teacher tells her students to "get out your books, turn to this page, and then I will give you instructions on what to do next," only to watch most students shoot their hands up as soon as their book is open to ask what they are supposed to do? *Insert exasperated harumph from teacher here.* Our pastors' latest series, "Majoring on the Minors," is taking us through the minor prophets. It's been a fun and revealing look into humanity, especially myself. The "doom and gloom" of the destruction that awaits followed by the resolution to praise God and trust His direction. I was reading through Zephaniah and came upon a few verses that stood out in an unusual way, or rather, not in the "doom and gloom" ...