Someone We Can't Live Without

We're pregnant again. Yup! My doctor laughed and asked how long I’d been married just to make sure that I did in fact know where babies come from. I think it’s taken until now, even with morning sickness and the other lovely changes that take place for a woman, for me to really accept that I am having another child. I was totally unprepared and quite set on not having to experience this joy a third time. God got a good three years of laughter out of “my plans” I’m sure! He must have been rolling in the aisles when we gave all our clothes and toys and baby furniture away.
I think there were a few reasons why I didn’t want to do this again… sleepless nights, the thought that we were finally “unrestrained” by the ages of our kids, the uncomfortable 9 months to a year. But the one thing that stood out most to me recently was how much I didn’t want the stress that this event causes for me and Scott. All the joy can sometimes be overshadowed by the sorry state of the house or the mood I’m in affecting the mood he’s in. We are good parents (I am told) but we’re not very good at pregnancy.
I struggled with this until God gave me something wonderful to ponder. There must be someone that He knew we couldn’t live without. Someone we would have always missed if they didn’t come along. So what’s a couple years of “ugh” when you get some amazing memories and an irresistible new face to look at. Number 3 comes along in June and I’m finally excited. Anyone want to go Baby Furniture shopping?!!


jennylou said…
I love that idea of the new kiddo being someone that we would always have missed if they didn't come along. :)
Mamamax said…
There must be someone that He knew we couldn’t live without. amen sister (mother) That is such a perfectly God-given way to look at your coming child. How wonderful. Thanks for sharing! Can't wait to meet him/her.
Kathie said…
As we ran through your house tonight, creating chaos with your children, while you were out for the evening, we stopped, panting, and laughingly exclaimed, " And we're getting another one!" We are so excited! You make the most wonderful babies and we love to play with them! Can't wait to meet this one and find out all the adorable nuances built inside! And by the way... I'm always up for shopping... but I'll babysit (yee-haw!) if someone else decides to go with you!
~ jessica said…
What a blessing! Both the coming baby and the ability to look at this event the way you do now. I'm so excited for you. Much love.

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