The Listener

"...I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day." 2 Timothy 1:12

I read this the other day and something new popped out at me. Do you see it? It's a huge challenge to me.
For that day....
Each day? It just seemed crazy that it was so simple and yet I overlook that idea constantly. I know God takes care of things for me. I know he guards my kids and husband. I know he's the one I have put my trust in for anything and everything that comes to my mind (however, psycho and hormonal it may be right now). I know he can do things better than I can ever even conspire to do them. But have I given him my day's dilemmas? My frustrations? Worries? Tasks? Family? The list is daunting some days. But like a mom leaving her child at the daycare center, I have to entrust him to take care of whatever I give over.
I'm one who also doesn't like to bother God with my silly little things so this is almost like a permission slip for me to come to him each day with each concern. The trick is, I think, to leave them there. I need an altar in my home so I can physically leave things on it, it seems.
Psalm 91 encourages me more with it's words of protection and love. Verse 14 - "Because he loves me," says the Lord, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name." God is my Savior and my Protector. I'm so thankful he's there and willing to listen.


~ jessica said…
Thank you for helping me remember.
jennylou said…
I agree! I have had a tough time reigning in my frustration on a certain project at work this week. I was seriously wincing at the thought of how I was going to avoid shooting back angry emails yesterday morning when I rather sheepishly prayed and asked for God to calm my spirit and help me to be gracious all day. The difference was definite. I felt peaceful during the day and had a sense of humor and grace. It was such a gift and I was completey aware that it wasn't my doing! I forget that God does care about the little things and does desire for us to live out of his perfect presence.

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