Colton! What did you do?!!

“If it seems a childish thing to do, do it in remembrance that you are a child.” Frederick Buechner

I once thought this a fabulous quote until my son tested us on this the other day.

Kayla and Colton share an upstairs bathroom which is rarely visited by my pregnant self. Drudging up the stairs is not one of my favorite things, especially when it means I have to confront the pigsty that is my children's domain.

Needless to say, much can go on without being noticed for a while. Which was the case this past week. Kayla came in to find the cardboard TP tube in the toilet. "Dad, there's something in the toilet and I have to go really bad!" My first thought was... where is the toilet paper holder... ya know, the springy thing you put the roll on? Scott went up, fished out the cardboard, and we were back to normal... or so we thought.

Three or four clogs later we were wondering what else our son had put into the toilet (there could be no other suspect or explanation). Plunge, plunge, plunge. Oh the joys of modern plumbing.

Scott and I ran through the list of things we could do before having to call a plumber. He even went to the store and bought a snake thingy to fish whatever out. Nothing worked.

By now Scott was completely frustrated and at a loss when I once again asked, "Where is the TP holder thing?" I think Scott's complexion rivaled the superior bright white-ness of the throne he was attacking.

"He wouldn't."

@!@#$@$!! was all I heard after that and then some fairly severe banging and bumping. I herded Colton out of reach and in a few more minutes there was confirmation.

"He did! I can't believe that little turkey!!"

There, wedged in the coiling design of the toilet was the springy thing that holds the TP roll. After all the tools and antics, Scott had to do things the old fashioned way - take the toilet up and stick his hand in there to get the thing out.

Hooray for dad!!! Colton ... well, he's three and a boy. You know how those things go.


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