This is most likely for all you moms and grandmas to enjoy laughing at me, the one who did this to you. For the life of me I've been trying to figure out why I haven't been able to keep up with my household chores the last few months. I am usually able to work, do the bills, pick up the house, clean the bathrooms (HAH!), do the laundry from start to finish , keep the kids entertained, and do the dishes (although, that is something my hubby has said he would do for me but doesn't do until my head explodes or there's no more counter space... which is pretty incredible considering the amount of counter space we have. (I love you, Sweetie :) )). Lately, I can't tell if anything is actually getting done without great efforts to dig out from under the pile of whatever it is! A usual day's routine is to get everyone ready and out the door to take Kayla to school and then take jr. to the store for groceries or to run whatever errand needs to be run. I return in time to ...