The Study of God through Angry Birds
Angry Birds - 1st golden egg My Sweetie and I were talking about how each one of us has our own sphere of influence and how interesting relationships can be because of that. Leave it to me to find an interesting correlation between this deep topic and a fun app called Angry Birds. There is one level in particular that struck me as the most appropriate. It's the first level of the golden eggs. It goes like this... with the hand, grab a bird and slingshot it into the "arena" of bouncing balls and pigs. When the balls are hit by the birds they ricochet off of each other, the walls, the pigs, and anything else in their paths. The object is to kill the pigs by hitting them with the balls or knocking them over (the pigs stole the birds' eggs to eat them for breakfast). So, my mind heard the word sphere and went straight to the 'spheres' of this level (I'm a little whacked, what can I say?). I got to thinking about each of us being like one of these balls. S...