The Sacrifice of Time

I read that quote the other day and it was hard to accept. Well, at least for me. I'm not inclined to being social. It's not that I don't want to show others that I value them and want to be with them. I LOVE people and I DO want to show them but it often takes a lot of work and effort for me to get started. It's one of those things I fight with myself over and have to push myself to exercise because I DO want to let others know that they are important to me and loved by me.

A while ago, I made the decision to "schedule" quiet time for myself in the mornings. I had tried to do my bible study at given times throughout the day but it just got crammed or interrupted or completely missed in the hustle and bustle of the day. How was I going to find a quiet minute in a house full of kids and work and cleaning and..?!?! You get the picture. But I wanted to make time because I knew it would benefit me and I could get to know God better. So I MADE time. I decided that God knew how much sleep I needed and that I would trust Him to meet with me long before my house exploded into chaos. So up I got! 0-dark-30 and I was sitting in my chair with coffee in hand. Was I tired? Yup, but it sure made me go to bed on time. And He took time with me in return. It has become something that I dearly miss when I don't make time for it. 

I've been reading through Proverbs a couple verses at a time and have often been curious why Solomon wrote things the way he did. He juxtaposes things that I wouldn't expect sometimes. Here's what I read this morning:
"The Lord detests the sacrifice of the wicked, but the prayer of the upright pleases him." Pr. 15:8

Why would Solomon couple together sacrifice and prayer? And then it dawned on me. Prayer IS a sacrifice, at least for me. Prayer is a two way street of time set aside for communication between me and God through His word, time meditating and talking with Him, and time listening to what He wants me to hear. But it's hard to talk to Someone Whom I can't see or audibly hear. It's harder to believe that I am worth God's time. It's difficult not to feel like a needy beggar rubbing a lamp to get my wishes granted by the "Genie" of the heavens. 

Then that quote popped into my head again. In making time for Him, I was showing God that I loved Him and valued Him. He was doing the same by "showing up" each morning. I know He meets with me because that time leaves my heart full. I have even read through the endless "begats" and come away with something that hit me hard and encouraged me (how is that possible?!). By giving Him that one more hour of sleep I could have gotten, He gives me His time and comfort. And I can't tell you how many times I was just finishing and someone in the house got up early and wanted to come chat. He always makes the time work, even when it seems like an interruption.

So I will be working on keeping that habit going. And after this morning's "revelation," I will be working harder at showing others they are worth my time, too. I want to get better at listening to what my friend wants me to hear. I want to trust them with what I'm sharing. I'm definitely not good at it but neither was I at making time for God and from that I have learned that the sacrifice will be rewarding and it will let me get to know others better. I know it will add to my life and fill my heart.


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